Life as a micro farmer is really working beautifully for our little family. Gardens are thriving, only because Mother Nature and El Nino are in our favor for moisture right now. Our hens are really doing well and seem to be a happy little netork not to mention really hard workers. Our newest hen, Martha, who I swapped a bag of feed for is a great little layer. She is an Amerucana who was being pecked on her back by her henmates and all of her feathes have about grown back. She is still trying to figure the human element out but coming around nicely. She actually ate some yogurt from a spoon in my hand yesterday and I was elated. Silly, hugh? Just want her to feel safe around me and not to think I have a butchers knife behind my back.
Egg production is good. We are getting between 5 and 6 eggs per day. With that we have been feeding our family quite nicely and able to supply a dozen of eggs every other week to two rotating customers. One of our hens, Joo Joo, has decided that she is a lap chicken and favors Emmett petting her little neck. She will sit and let him pet her and close her eyes for a quick nap in the safe hands of a very able boy. Harrison, who is three, wants to try and jump over the hens and I know that this will result in sure death. He cannot jump over a crack in the sidewalk let alone a living creature.
I am thinking about expanding the size of my coop by half and need to build a better entry for the human folk to clean it out- oh, and exterminate a pack rat who has decided to eat a hole in the side of the playhouse. Bad rat! More later