We really had not announced any new hens- but we have added 3 Buffs to our home, Big Bertha, Elly and Milly and the new Araucana is Joo Joo and of course we have Ms. Claus. Now that the formal introduction of names has taken place.
We have relocated our compost to an area in our backyard near the coop. The composter is a very easy and basic one. In this case we have 3 bales of alfalfa butted up next to one that makes up a part of a breaker wall to the hens coop back yard covered by an old gate that the dumpster gods have so kindly supplied us. Vanessa turned the rich matter yesterday, which smells like lovely rich, healthy soil and the hens pulled a seat up to the buffet. Have you ever seen a hen fight another for a big ole' juicy bug? Not pretty. If they had jewlery on they would be taking it off getting ready for a fight!
Emmett kept a glove on his right hand in case he saw one to feed Ms. Claus, who is still being slightly hen pecked by Big Bertha.

Here you can see them getting down to the goodness. I think that they are taking a liking to their new environment and coop. We love it that they are like dogs with feathers. All of our hens but Ms. Claus will let you hold them and pet them a little but of course they will all come running and eat out of your hand.
When the Buff's came Big Bertha found it comforting to lay her egg near a rock in the alfalfa that was close to the size of one of her eggs. Elly, I think, was laying a pile of eggs under the Oleander hedge. Now all three Buffs lay next to a baseball in a fluffy nesting box on the ground. Unique. We are getting at a minimum 4 eggs per day from 5 hens right now. I would really like to add two or three more at this point. I have 2 customers right now who I can give at least a half of a dozen to each week and have a 3rd lady who wants eggs, too. A micro business. Now all I need is a name.