Welcome to our family Joo Joo (pictured to the left). She is a pretty little Araucana who has quickly made friends with our other little Araucana and sole survivor of the bobcat incident, Ms. Claus. They have actually hit it off quite nicely. Joo Joo doesn't mind being handled and coos when you pet her close to you. I LOVE HER! 
We have also added 4 Buff Orpingtons or as Emmett calls them, Puffins. Very cute so of course we are calling them Puffins as well. Unfortunately we lost one the other night to probably the stupid bobcat. We have since spent the weekend reinforcing our coop and researching how to eradicate the bobcat from ever coming on our property again short of using a large shotgun. If something gets into this coop now we have certainly failed in a large way. The roof is super reinforced with an old shed that I took apart and built a nice sturdy roof. We basically sewed all of the chicken wire with a heavy guage wire fastener- closed up any potential holes and so on.
Yesterday Joo Joo spent the ENTIRE day working on 3 nesting boxes...scratching and organizing the alfalfa in them not to mention cackling the entire time. In the end she gave us a pretty little green egg. Today the 'puffins' gave us their first beautiful brown eggs and I am certain that one of them has a double yolk.
I really love keeping chickens and it is quite addicting to say the least. Not only do I have human children, children with fur (my shih tzu's) but now I have kids with feathers. Oh, the pressure! I feel very guilty that the others, Nana, Donna, GoGo and a beautiful unnamed Buff met their demise to that damn bobcat through a coop that had a couple weak spots but I promise to do better by them.
Learning alot here. Learning alot about chickens and myself and I am loving watching the boys learn and be so caring with them. I am loving watching Vanessa find herself in the garden, building a compost bin and hugging chickens. Those things just make me fall in love with her even more and appreciate my boys beyond belief. I am lucky in that regard.
I think we have made the chicken run and their roost very secure. You should do a post about the sneaky egg laying that has been happening recently, very funny!